The total salt in the soil decreased by 15.3%, the alkalinity decreased by 9.7%, the exchangeable sodium decreased by 10...
MoreThe average plant height is 30 cm, which is about 2 times that of the control, and the uniformity and flowering number o...
MoreThe growth is vigorous, the leaves are dark green, and the thickness of the leaves is thicker than that of other organic...
MoreThe root system of the plant is more developed, the number of new roots increases significantly, and the growth is more ...
MoreThe plant is robust, with dark green leaves, good fruit setting, early maturity, high sweetness and pure taste.
MoreThe yield with Apaxfon organice fertilizer is 33.15% higher than the field without it.
MoreThe fruiting rate increased by 46.15%, the ripening period was advanced, and the yield increased by more than 22%.
MoreThe demonstration site is located in Dongfangfang Village, Qiwusutu Township, Chayou Middle School, where the potato Xis...