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Enterprise News

Wang Rui, Deputy Mayor of Baotou City, visited Yuantaifeng for investigation


On August 31, 2021, Wang Rui, Vice Mayor of Baotou City, visited Yuantaifeng for investigation, accompanied by Zhao Juan, Director of Baotou Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Zhang Jinzhong, Director of Baotou Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, Zhang Yu, Secretary of Tuyou Banner Committee, and leaders of relevant units.



Vice Mayor Wang Rui visited Yuantaifeng Company, accompanied by Sun Wang, Wu Jianfei, Deputy General Manager of Yuantaifeng Company, and Zhang Liang, Assistant General Manager of Yuantaifeng Company. Wu Jianfei, Deputy General Manager, introduced our BGF technology, process flow and product application effect in detail. Vice Mayor Wang Rui was very interested in the raw material sources and application effects of our products, and carried out in-depth discussions and exchanges on this.



Through this survey, Vice Mayor Wang Rui highly affirmed the advantages of our project in terms of low energy consumption, high efficiency, no noise, no waste gas, no waste residue and no waste liquid emission in the production process, and believed that our project is an innovative green environmental protection comprehensive demonstration project, which should actively implement the "dual carbon" certification goal, and undertake the important mission of energy conservation, emission reduction and green low-carbon. At present, the enterprise is in a period of rapid development, facing the problem of rising prices of raw materials. It is suggested that the enterprise should seek raw materials from multiple regions and channels, fundamentally reduce product costs, lower product prices, and benefit farmers. It is necessary to be affordable and well used high-quality organic fertilizer for farmers.